How to upload photos to Facebook from your iPhone

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With iOS 8, you don't need to install any apps to upload a photo to Facebook -- the system has Facebook sharing built in. If you do have the Facebook app, upload your picture from within the app for a few additional features, such as adding stickers to the image.

Upload Without Facebook App

Step 1

If you haven't used Facebook on your phone yet, you need to sign in first. Open the Settings app to the Facebook tab and log in.


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Logging in works with or without the Facebook app installed.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Apple

Step 2

Run the Photos app and open the image you want to upload. Tap the Share icon in the lower left corner and select Facebook.


The Share icon is a square with an up arrow.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Apple
The Facebook button appears even if you haven't signed in, but it won't work until you do.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Apple

Step 3

Add a status update to your picture in the text box to the left of the image. Below the image, optionally select a Facebook Album, add your current Location or switch the Audience who can see the image. When everything's set to your liking, press Post to send the picture.



The Location option uses your phone's GPS.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Apple

Upload With Facebook App

Step 1

Press Photo at the top of your News Feed in the Facebook app. Select one or more pictures and press Done, or, to take a new picture, tap the camera icon.


The Photo button is also on your Timeline page.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook
Tap Camera Roll to switch to another album.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook

Step 2

At the bottom of your photo, tap the smiley face to add stickers or the Aa icons to add text atop the image. Below the image, there's a row of icons for additional optional features.



You don't need to use any of these options if you don't want to.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook

In order, these icons are:


  • Take a new photo to add
  • Add another photo from your iPhone
  • Place your photo in a Facebook album
  • Tag friends in your photo
  • Add an activity or feeling
  • Add your location

After you're all set, scroll to the top of the page.


Filters tweak the image's coloring.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook

Step 3

Add status text in the Say Something... field above the image. Tap To if you want to select a different audience. When you're finished, tap Post to upload the image.


The status text is also optional.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook

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