How to Clear GT on Sharp Cash Registers

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You may want to clear your GT at the end of each month.
Image Credit: Creatas/Creatas/Getty Images

Sharp manufactures two lines of electronic cash registers, namely the ER-A series and the XE series. The ER-A series is sold through authorized dealers who provide regular service, whereas you can purchase an XE series unit from a big-box retailer. XE-series units are intended for users who perform their own maintenance tasks. You can reset the GT, or grand total, on some XE models. These models are the XE-A101, which is discontinued but still available for sale as of this writing, as well as the current XE-A106, XE- A107, XE-A207, XE-A23S, XE-407, XE-A43S and XE-A507 models.


XE-A 101

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Step 1

Move the slider switch, which is located between the digital display and the keyboard on the right-hand side of the cash register, to the Z/PGM position. The Z/PGM position is the furthest position to the right. Skip to Step 3 if you did not enter a secret code for reports and programming when you first set up your cash register.


Video of the Day

Step 2

Enter your four-digit secret code with the number keys of the keyboard if you have selected one for the Z/PGM set of functions. Press the "CA/AT/NS" key at the bottom right of the keyboard.

Step 3

Press the "CHK" key at the top left corner of the right column of keys.


Step 4

Wait for the full report to print, as you will need it for your records. This can take a minute or longer depending upon how many transactions you recorded with your cash register before printing the report. Your cash register memory is now completely clear and your grand total is reset to zero.


XE-A106 and XE-A107

Step 1

Insert the cash register programming key in the key slot under the digital display of the XE-106 or XE-107 and turn it all the way to the right to point it to the Z/PGM position. Continue to Step 3 if you did not enter a secret programming code when you set up your register.


Step 2

Use the numeral keys of the cash register keyboard to enter your four-digit security code. Press the "CA/AT/NS" key at the bottom right of the XE-106 keyboard or the "Cash/No Sale" key at the bottom right of the XE-107 keyboard.


Step 3

Press the "CHK" key at the top left of the right column of keys on the XE-106 or the "Check" key at the top left of the right column of keys on the XE-107.


Step 4

Wait for the report to finish printing, which can take several minutes if you have a large number of transactions in your memory. Save it for your records. Your cash register memory, including the grand total, is now clear.

Models XE-A207/XE-A23S, XE-A407/XE-A43S and XE-A507

Step 1

Press the "Mode" key at the top right of the keyboard. Use the down arrow key to select the Program mode, and stop pressing the key when "Program Mode" appears in the digital screen.


Step 2

Select the Terminal mode by depressing the down arrow key until "6 Terminal" appears in the digital screen. Depress the down arrow key once again to reveal the terminal programming selections.

Step 3

Select "GT2" with the down arrow and then enter a "0" with the zero key on the numeric keypad. Depress the down arrow once again to select GT3. Enter a zero once again.



Step 4

Hit the "CA/AT/NS" key to save your settings and return to the main programming menu.

Step 5

Select "9 Report" with the down arrow to reveal the report programming feature. Wait momentarily for the report programming menu to appear and use the down arrow to select "4 Z1 General Report."


Step 6

Select "Reset GT" at the bottom of the General Report menu with the down arrow key. Hit the "CA/AT/NS" key to save your settings.

Step 7

Press the Mode key until "4X/Z1" appears in the digital screen. Select "3 Resetting" with the down arrow and press the "CA/AT/NS" key. Wait for the report to print and set it aside for your records. Once it prints, the GT function on your cash register is reset and the memory is cleared.


