How to Turn Off the Internal Speaker in a Dell Computer

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Learn how to turn off the internal speakers in your Dell computer.

Internal speakers come standard on the majority of computers sold today, including Dell products. You may need to find out how to turn off the internal speakers on your Dell if they do not work, or if you choose not to use them. You may also want to turn off the internal speakers if you're turning your computer on in an area in which you do not want to disturb anyone around.


Step 1

Select the "Start" menu on your desktop and navigate to the Control Panel. A window should pop up listing the Control Panel options.

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Step 2

Click the Device Manager. Choose "View" from the Device Manager menu.


Step 3

Click on the Beep Properties menu. Click the Driver option in the Beep Properties menu.

Step 4

Click the "Stop" button on the Driver menu. Choose this option for temporarily disabling the internal speakers.


Step 5

Click the "Disabled" button on the Driver menu. Choose this option to permanently disable the internal speakers.

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