How to Reset the Password on HP Laptop

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Forgetting your laptop password can be a pain and many of us have gone through it. If you've set a power-on password, you'll have to contact HP or reinstall your operating system. However, if it's simply the log-on password you need, here is an easy way to get into your computer.


Getting Into Your Laptop

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Step 1

Power down your laptop by holding the power button for about five seconds.

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Step 2

Turn your laptop on.


Step 3

Begin pressing the F8 button on the top row of your keyboard after the HP screen loads but before windows opens.

Step 4

Select "Safe Mode" from the advanced options menu.

Step 5

Select the administrator account.


Reseting Your Password

Step 1

Go to the Control Panel from the Start Menu.


Step 2

Select "User Accounts."


Step 3

Select the account whose password you wish to reset.

Step 4

Choose the option "Change Password" and follow the instructions.



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