How to Mod a PS2 Game on a PC

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A PS2 video game can be modified on a PC so that it will play differently.

Making a backup of a PS2 video game on a PC lets you protect the original from damage. You can modify the PS2 video game save file to change the way the game plays by enabling features that otherwise would not be possible. You will need some PS2 modification programs, of which there are a number created by PS2 enthusiasts and available at no charge. A PS2 game will need to have been backed up previously as well as a game save from the game when played on the PS2 having been transferred to the PC's hard drive.


Step 1

Download a PS2 file building program to the desktop, for example, the free PCSX2 program (see the link in Resources)l Double-click on the file once downloaded to decompress the file to a folder on the desktop.

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Step 2

Download a PS2 game hacking file set to the desktop, for example, the free PS2 HackFiles (see the link in Resources). Double-click on the file once downloaded to decompress the file to a folder on the desktop.


Step 3

Double-click on the PS2 file building program to launch it. Click on the "Add file" icon at the top of the PS2 file building program. Navigate in the window that appears to the PS2 game save file. Click once on the PS2 game save file with the mouse. Click the "Open" button on the window


Step 4

Click the "Save" button on the PS2 file building program's main screen. Select "XPS" from the "Output format" drop down menu on the window that appears. Select "Desktop" from the "Locations" drop down menu in the middle of the screen. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the window.


Step 5

Double-click on the PS2 file building folder on the desktop. Drag the file that was just saved to the desktop into the "Memorycards" folder inside of the window. Wait for the file to copy into the folder.

Step 6

Click on the "Open file" icon on the PS2 file building program's main screen. Select "slot 1" from the list of choices presented beneath the "Memory card" tab in the window that appears. Click the "Save" button.



Step 7

Press the "X" button in the upper right corner of the window that is open on the desktop to close it. Quit the PS2 file building program.

Step 8

Double-click on the PS2 game hacking file set folder to open its window. Drag the backup file of the PS2 game that was copied to the hard drive earlier onto the PS2 game hacking file program that is inside of the window to launch it. Wait as a window appears and text scrolls down the screen and then stops.


Step 9

Select "Modify" from the drop down menu at the top of the PS2 game hacking file program's window. Navigate in the window that appears to the "Memorycards" folder inside of the PS2 file building window. Click on the file that was copied into "Memorycards." Click the "Open" window.


Step 10

Select "Scan" from the drop down menu at the top of the PS2 game hacking file program's window. Wait for a list of choices to be presented on the screen. Select a modification to the game by clicking on a choice.

Step 11

Wait as the PS2 game hacking file program modifies the game save file to accommodate the choice. Quit the PS2 game hacking file program once the program finishes the modification.



Step 12

Insert the PS2 memory card into a memory card reader. Plug the memory card reader's USB cable into a USB port of the computer. Double-click on the icon of the PS2 memory card that appears on the desktop.

Step 13

Drag the game save that has now been modified from the "Memorycards" folder into the "gamesave" folder inside of the PS2 memory card folder. Wait as the file is copied.


Step 14

Right-click on the icon of the PS2 memory card. Select "Eject" from the pop-up menu. Remove the memory card reader's USB cable from the USB port of the computer.

Step 15

Remove the PS2 memory card from the memory card reader. Insert the PS2 memory card into the PS2.


Step 16

Turn the PS2 on. Insert the PS2 game whose game save has been modified on a PC. The game save will now modify how the PS2 game is played once it has been loaded into the game.

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