How to Increase the Picture Size on a Dynex Flat Screen TV

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Flat screen televisions are more affordable than ever.

While owning a flat-screen TV was formerly a pleasure reserved for the wealthy, advancements in technology have made flat-screen televisions much more affordable and commonplace in average homes throughout the world. Setting up a new flat-screen TV can be a challenging process, and doing it without the instruction manual might prove a near impossibility. Fortunately, the picture size on your Dynex flat screen TV can be increased quickly and easily with a few clicks on the remote control that came with the television.


Step 1

Turn your Dynex television on.

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Step 2

Place 2 AAA batteries inside the remote control that came with your television.

Step 3

Aim the remote control at the television and press the small "Zoom" button on the bottom of the remote four times followed by the "Enter" button in the middle of your remote. This "Zoom" setting will make the picture on your television larger, however it may crop the top and the bottom of the image on the screen.



Step 4

Aim the remote control at the television and press the small "Zoom" button on the bottom of the remote five times followed by the "Enter" button in the middle of your remote if you are still not happy with the picture setting. This "Cinema" setting will make your picture larger, however it may crop the right and left sides of the image on the screen.

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