How to Flush Apache's Cache

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If you are currently using an Apache web server, the time may come when you need to clear the Apache web server cache. To fully clear the server's cache, you are typically required to terminate all server activity, open the server utility application needed to flush the cache, and then restart the server completely. Because of this, it may be in your best interest to schedule a series of cache cleanings at periodic intervals when server activity is low. Whatever your particular needs may be, you can begin to clean the Apache server cache without an excessive amount of effort on your part.


Exploring Apache Clear Cache Basics

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Before clearing the cache, it is in your best interests to find a time when you can shut down the server without doing damage to your business or other activity. In many situations, this is typically during off-business hours, such as late at night or early in the morning.


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Whatever your preferences may be, schedule the cache clearing well in advance in the event that you need more time than anticipated. When you have scheduled the cache cleaning and the time has come, open a new terminal session on your computer and use the relevant commands to stop the operations of the server entirely. The command you use will be influenced by the specific operating system you are deploying.


Moving Forward With Cache Clearing

Open the Apache caching PHP utility by typing "htcacheclean -r" into the terminal window. When this is completed, press "Enter" on the keyboard to formally launch the cache cleaning. During this process, the server utility thoroughly cleans and deletes any superfluous subdirectories on the server.



After the cleaning is completed, restart the Apache server and reconfigure the load balance to route request to the server using the relevant key commands. After this is completed, the server should be prepared for full operation again.

Schedule periodic server cache maintenance to ensure the longevity and optimal efficiency of your system. Given the ample opportunities to schedule these processes well in advance, you should be able to schedule this routine maintenance into your daily operations in such a way that your business is not interrupted in any way. More information about this process can be found directly through the Apache website if needed.


