How to Fix a Playstation 2 Slim

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Fix a Playstation 2 Slim

The PlayStation 2 may be more than ten years old, but this console icon is still going strong. The most recent model, the Slim, has all the traditional functionality of the earlier model but is much thinner. If your PlayStation 2 Slim starts malfunctioning, there are some steps you can take to fix it.


Step 1

Cycle the power. Since the PlayStation 2 Slim model has very dense circuitry, small fluctuations in power can affect performance. Unplug the PS2 and leave it unplugged for 5 to 10 minutes. Then plug it back in and see if it works.

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Step 2

Move the console. The PS2 is very sensitive to excessive heat and needs a cool place to breathe. If the PS2 is stuffed in a media cabinet or a place that is not well-ventilated, move the console and then check it again.


Step 3

Check the disc. If a PS2-format disc is badly scratched, it can cause the system to malfunction or stop working altogether. Try using a different PS2 disc in the system to determine whether the PS2 is malfunctioning because of the disc.


Step 4

If all else fails, run the PS2 diagnostic system. This will tell you if there is a bigger problem with your PS2 hardware. To run the diagnostic tool, turn your PS2 on and go to the browser menu. Select the system menu. Then select "Diagnosis" from the submenu and press X. Press the "on" button and insert a disc. The diagnostic tool can identify several underlying problems with the PS2.

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