How to Find the Date When a Social Security Number Was Issued

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In the United States, a Social Security number (SSN) are usually issued shortly after a person's birth. If you are wondering the exact date when your Social Security number was issued or if you have a Social Security number that you wish to view the issue date of, you may want to make use of USATrace's online SSN dating service. You will want to note that this service costs $9.99 and requires a PayPal account to submit payment.


Step 1

Visit (see reference). This website has been in operation since 1997 and is a premier resource for investigations relating to Social Security numbers.

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Step 2

Read the page that opens up and enter the subject's SSN in the provided field. When ready, press "Submit Query."


Step 3

Enter your information into the following page and read the "Terms and Conditions" provided. You will be asked for your name, email address, and reason for your search request. When ready, press "Please Click Here To Verify Your Search Request." You will then be forwarded to a screen where you can verify the information you entered.



Step 4

Press the "Click Here To Finish Your Search Request and Be Forwarded To Secure Payment Window" button and log into your PayPal account on the next page. Press "Pay Now" to purchase your SSN report. You will now receive an email containing a password and a link to where you can login with this password to view your report.

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